Monday, June 28, 2010


After 9 long classes, my final portfolio is finally done! I hope you all enjoy looking through all of my projects, my educational philosophy and some resources and sites that I recommend checking out. I've had a great time and have thoroughly enjoyed learning about all of the different programs that we have worked with. I can't wait to implement some of these programs in the classroom as well as share them with both other educators and students.

I hope you all have a great rest of the summer!


  1. I completely agree with you when you said “children should be taught more skills for everyday living instead of facts that they will most likely not need nor remember in 20 years”. It drives me crazy when I see those commercials for baby reading programs…are you kidding me! Whatever happened to learning how to play and socialize with other kids. I thought you had some good information on Rubistar. I had never heard of it before and it could probably be useful in the future.
    I thought your website was well put together and thought out. Great job!!

  2. I enjoyed reading your reflections you're a great writer, with even better thoughts. I agree that children learn best through play and interaction. That's how we all start learning as babies and it's affective, so thats how teaching should be done. Great Job!!

  3. This is a very educational Digital Portfolio and you get the sense of it as soon as you open the site. I loved her digital story and the pictures from google pictures. The narration is very clear and makes you want to visit Rome. Her Blog is complete and has a very nice design. I liked the fact that Lauren inserted a youtube videos into her Blog which is a demonstration of her skills. The non-linear Power Point was awesome. I loved the quiz. I just had a little trouble ending the presentation. I will recommend having a hyperlink that can take you back to the beginning. Great work!!!

  4. - Right away I thought the image that you chose for the opening page of your website was great! It was really well organized and easy to navigate. Your digital story was a great example for ways students can put together a project on different topics. The images were great and I like how you chose not to have dialogue over all of the images. I completely agree with kids needing to be kids more. It seems as though there is an unspoken pressure on children to perform their very best and the cost is a loss of childhood.
