Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wiki Assignment

Web 2.0 allows users to not only search for information on the internet, but also share information with others. Some examples of Web 2.0 programs are social networking sites (such as facebook), video sharing sites (such as you tube), blogs and wikis. These programs facilitate interactive information sharing. Web 2.0 has given users the opportunity to create their own sites. Web 1.0 simply allowed users to look up a site and read its content. These pages were read only pages and did not allow for much interaction. The internet has now created endless possibilities for its users. Certain sites allow visitors to edit the content of the page to offer advice, opinions, etc...

Throughout this course, each of us has taken on a different example of a
Web 2.0 program. We have researched these programs and formed a class Wiki in which we have explained our programs, what they offer and how they work. In addition to this, we explained how these programs can be used within the classroom setting. I chose a program called Rubistar, which is an online program used by educators to create rubrics for classroom use. Learn more about what Rubistar is all about.

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